That Thing

You know that thing where you’re really busy and you forget to eat?

Me neither. That’s ridiculous.

Sometimes, though, I do get that thing where I’m really busy and I don’t have time to eat.

Luckily, sandwiches can be quick.

Tall Grass Prairie in The Forks Market has some wicked pre-made sandwiches to take on the go.

Like, wicked wicked.

If you get that thing where you’re really busy, make time to eat.


No, seriously. Set aside some time to recharge and refuel.

Your slimy brain isn’t going to be any use without some grub in your tum.

Here’s what I had at Tall Grass Prairie:

IMG_3396.JPG Turkey Sandwich: turkey, tomato, lettuce.

Impression: Cool, refreshing tomatoes were sweet against the lightly salted chicken. The homemade bread didn’t lose any of its depth in the refrigerator.

What made it: Convenience.