
Last week I had an awesome opportunity to write for the Winnipeg Free Press again.

This time, instead of listing some neat places to check out the city, I was writing about one super-awesome place (the YMCA).

Sweet! More freelancing.

Only this time it was really FREElancing. As in, there was no money involved.

That’s fine. I had a lot of fun writing this story and the reactions I’ve gotten have been amazing.

An old boss of mine said:

“Well done on the article in the Free Press…though I shed a tear for you leaving. I wish you all the best!! You are a great swim instructor and a great person!”


The YMCA – YWCA of Kamloops shared the story on their Facebook page. As did quite a few other employees here in Winnipeg and elsewhere in Canada. It was pretty cool to get that kind of recognition.

Smiles again.

Click here to read the story on the Winnipeg Free Press website.

Of course, to celebrate, I ate a sandwich. My dinner date ate another one. Fortunately, they were fan-friggin-tastic.

Here’s what I had at Cornerstone Bar and Restaurant:


Steak Sandwich: tenderloin steak, sauteed mushrooms, chimichurri, fried egg, served open-faced on a ciabatta. $16.00


Chipotle Chicken Melt: roast chicken in chipotle barbecue sauce with bacon jam, tomato, avocado & cheddar, served open face. $13.00