
“Deer+Almond people aren’t the same people as Moxies people,” said a friend, sorting through the target audience of a campaign she was putting together.

Of course not. They’re so different.

She was right. Right?

Deer+Almond people wear knitted toques and corduroy. Moxies people wear backwards caps and lettermans.



Wait a minute, I thought, as I sat down at a table in the dim St. Vital Moxies. Wait just a minute.

Am I a Moxies person?

Well, I’m here.

But, I’ve been to Deer+Almond, too.

I have a toque, but I don’t own corduroy. I wear a backwards cap sometimes, but I don’t own a letterman.

Am I a Deer+Almond person?

Is anyone?


Maybe more people are a bit of both.

Maybe more people are a bit of everything.

Maybe it’s just helpful to sort people into easily targeted categories. Fair enough. I can get down with that.

But, how can my advertising, my writing, my marketing, my whatever, recognize that there are Deer+Almond+Moxies people? How do I talk to people, not demographics?

Can I? Should I?

So many questions. And, I only have, like, seven weeks to figure it out.

Then, I’ll graduate. Then, I’ll know everything.


Here’s what I had at Moxie’s Grill and Bar:


This image was stolen via the dark powers of the internet.

Parmesan chicken & crispy prosciutto sandwich: on ciabatta bread with house-made herbed cheese, roasted red pepper sauce & baby arugula leaves.

Impressions: The herbed cheese gives the sandwich a fresh smell and flavour, marrying nicely with the arugula leaves. The ciabatta bread is no different than the ciabattas elsewhere, but the soft, dense sandwich holders lovingly embrace the cheese-crusted chicken.

What made it? Crispy prosciutto. Salty, crispy, crunchy. The large slices of prosciutto were the star of this otherwise classic sam.