
“It’s pretty obscure so you probably don’t know about it. It’s, like, really underground.”

Ok. Yeah, I probably don’t. Unless you mean Erebor, the underground Dwarf city in northern Middle Earth.

Then I definitely do.

You’d think that, as a twenty-something spending most of my days in The Exchange District, I’d be a little more hip.

You’d think.

And you’d be wrong.

And you’d tell me how there is no right and no wrong – just systems of oppression that support the ruling class and that I don’t have to live for The Man and that I should grow a beard.

And I’d watch The Lord of The Rings again. Now those are beards.

Sometimes, though, I like to pretend I am with-it. Cool. Happening. Fresh.

“Have you heard this song?”

Yes, it’s totally my bag. (I haven’t and it’s totally not my bag)

“Have you been to a bubble party in an alley behind the bar?

Yes, I love those. (What? Sounds messy)

This week, some trend-setting millennials took me out for a sandwich at Underground Cafe. We scooted there on our longboards, clutching our copies of Catcher In The Rye.

Holden Caulfield would’ve been all over this cafe.

It’s pretty obscure so you probably don’t know about it. It’s, like, really underground.

Seriously. Like, really underground. There are stairs.

Here’s what I had at Underground Cafe:

Underground Cafe

The Checker: Chicken, cheese, egg, mayo, and tomato on a  toasted bagel. $5.99

Impressions: This sandwich looked homemade. It looked like someone cared enough to piece it together just for me. The egg and chicken mix was seasoned lightly. The mayonnaise was spread thin, adding a quick zip to each bite.

What made it? Cool and crisp tomatoes. The red fruit is a staple in so many sandwiches, but really pulled this one together. The colour was a pretty contrast to the pale chicken and bagel. The cool freshness balanced the fluffy eggs.

This breakfast special comes with a coffee.

So trendy. If you’re into that slop.